IMF 2018

11th International Conference on
IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics

May 7th - 9th, 2018
Hamburg, Germany

Conference of SIG SIDAR
of the German Informatics Society (GI).

Conference Fee and Registration

Please proceed to the registration webpage located here.

You will be recieving an email shortly. We are looking forward to see you in Hamburg!
Attention! Authors of accepted submisssions have to register at least one of the authors no later than March 25th!
Otherwise your submission cannot be included in the proceedings.

Conference fee

Early registration until 31.03.2018: 335 Euro

Regular registration after 01.04.2018: 455 Euro

Students: 215 Euro

All prices include VAT. The prices cover the conference and the admission to the conference dinner for one person on May 8, 2018.